To me, to you, to “the not enough people”

How many times have you not played a game, because according to your coach, you have not trained enough?

Or maybe you studied and prepared a long-term project to get a job promotion, but you were not able to convince your boss. Terrible and quite frustrating.

Well, I have often been in this situation, and I guess I am not the only one.

Sometimes other people’s opinions or a failure, trigger a mechanism of loss and personal crisis that leads us doubting ourselves. We all have dreams, small or big goals.

Over time, I realized that no one can be so influential to stopping us from achieving our goals.

I am writing the first article of my blog in New York, it is a great dream come true. Living two months here, was at the top of the wish list, but in the past several factors held me back. Fear, insecurity, anxiety to name a few. Then it came a time when my priorities became passion and the desire to put myself on the line. I planned everything and left without second thoughts or hesitation.

“Il basket secondo Mez” (Basketball according to Mez) is a project that I have thought, overthought and reworked to the point of exhaustion. Basketball is a long-standing passion. I feel in love with this sport, hearing to my friends’ training stories. Over the years, I found out my favorite team and I have never missed a game at “palazzo” (italian word for “arena”). Then came Promozione and CSI championships until the first trip to New York and the discovery of american basketball.

Couple months ago, after an unexpected meeting, I started hosting a show on a web radio. Talking about basketball on a radio, was a breath of fresh air in my life and an extraordinary opportunity.

Following the NBA, I have been interested in biographies of italian, international players and journalists who report news stories about basketball. This blog collects stories, curiosities and interviews with people who, with self-denial and dedication, turned their passion into a career. 

Before starting this journey, I would like to thank some people.

My family always with me. The best friends ever Francesca, Fabiola, Caterina, Federica, Chiara, Miriam and Alisa, because you have always believed in me. Andrea, your word of advice, friendship and patience are always important. Jacopo, thank you for your pictures and our laughs. Paolo and the team of Smartoo, your collaboration, advice and support are essential. Silvia longtime confidant, thanks to you and to the ASD Basketball Castel San Pietro Terme 2010 for hosting the photo shoot at Pala Ferrari Castel San Pietro Terme.

I dedicate this blog to my grandparents, Giuseppe and Massimo, when I was younger we shared wonderful time together reading newspapers and Roger, to your smile and your passion for sports.

Chiara Mezzini
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