Pick-Roll Manager: a software for sports

Pick-Roll Manager: a software for sports

1) Hey Dario, first of all, it is a pleasure to have you again on the blog, I would ask to relate the campaign “Il Viaggio” di Pick-Roll (“The Journey” of Pick-Roll) launched after the reopening of the playgrounds in Italy.

Hi Chiara, obviously the pleasure is only mine! After the lockdown, all of us, as basketball lovers, had the desire to come back to the playground and say it loud. So we decided to involve 8 personalities scattered in Italy (Rome, Milan, Bologna, Taranto, Venice, Reggio Emilia, Turin and Naples), that have become the storytellers of the return journey to the playground, thanks to the Stories on our social media. We realized the project with the aim of adding value to the functions of the app and to focus on the true leaders of the playground, their passion and stories.

2) Which influencers took part to “The Journey”?

Rome: Matteo Caridà, a legend of the basketball courts in Rome and the Italian summer tournaments

Venice: Alessandro “Vekkia” Vecchiato, an icon of the Italian playgrounds as well, it is better to always have him as a teammate.

Milan: Giulio Maria Papi, player of wheelchair basketball of Briantea and the Italian National Team.

Bologna: Chiara Mezzini, we couldn’t involve your stories and trips

Turin: Andrea “Brent” Antoniotti, who knows a bit the national 3×3, can’t know “Brent”.

Reggio Emilia: the crew of Noce Playground, a symbol. An historic basketball court, where Kobe Bryant started his career.

Taranto: Gianmarco Conte, he is also an amazing player on the court and not only in the playgrounds of Apulia.

Naples: Paolo Giuseppe Marchetti, a unique talent in the background of Campania.

Pick-Roll Il Viaggio

3) Recently, Pick-Roll launched Pick-Roll Manager, a software for basketball associations. Can you relate the new project?

During the lockdown, we had the chance to grow as a startup. We wanted to do something for the playgrounds, and also for basketball associations, that are not often considered. After surveys and interviews, we were able to figure out the real issue: having a software that offers an overview of the full management. So we created Pick-Roll Manager, an online platform that allows the management of a sports association all-around.

It makes easier the work of managers and head coaches, helping them to take care of any aspect in a practical and easy way. The management of athletes and staff and the financial and administrative management, in a unique application. Beyond this, the sports associations have the alerts regarding the deadline of medical certificates and the sports memberships, without viewing any Excel files or folder scattered in the office.

Pick-Roll Manager logo

4) What are the goals of Pick-Roll Manager?

The word that I always like to highlight is “simplification”. Helping sports associations to save time is the main prerogative of our software. The world of basketball has fixed to some habits, our goal is leading to the new millennium and realizing that there are opportunities simply by having more “time”.

Pick-Roll Manager

Check out further information about Pick-Roll Manager here. Instead, here you find the link to read the interview to Dario.

Chiara Mezzini
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